etude house wonder pore deep foaming cleanser 150ml
etude house wonder pore deep foaming cleanser 150ml
etude house wonder pore deep forming cleanser 150g
❣Clean the ultrafine dust ❣
❣ Remove your pore worries ❣
❣ Antibacterial effect 99%❣
♦Ultra mint chocolate bubble and microcellulose bead's "cleaning synergy".
-It removes pore waste and old dead skin cells accumulated on the skin in a cool and effective manner.
♦ "Powerful cleansing effect" that removes ultrafine dust in pores.
-Cleanse neatly without missing ultrafine dust with tight fine foam.
[How to use it]
-After foaming with an appropriate amount of water on your wet hands, rub the entire face thoroughly and rinse it thoroughly with lukewarm water.
❤ Etude House Wonder Pore Forming Cleanser.
- Capacity) 150g.
❤ Etude House Wonder Pore Forming Cleanser.
#etude #etudehouse #foam cleanser #cleaner #pore #powder #fine dust #ultrafine dust
♡Three Promises of koksara.kbeauty
1.We conduct disinfection three times a week.√
2.We sell 100% genuine.√
3.Chatable time: All the time [24/7].√